When moving home, for whatever reason or purpose, shifting all of your belongings can be a challenge. As you go from one property to another, the amount of furniture and belongings you accrue only gets more substantial.

How do you manage all of those belongings? Whether you’re looking to move, downsize, or have had changes in family dynamics, self storage units can be helpful to have available. There are many moving pieces when it comes to moving properties, which can sometimes result in problems. That’s why it’s a godsend to have self storage if things go wrong.

How self-storage helps when moving property

If you’re looking for self storage in Edinburgh, then you’ll want to use it when moving property. There are often many scenarios where moving is required. How self storage units help, vary depending on where you’re moving to.

Moving to a bigger property

If you’ve got the luxury of being able to move to a bigger property, it’s certainly exciting, to say the least. At the same time though, you not only need to move your existing furniture but you’re likely going to need to buy more furniture too.

When moving to a bigger property, you might be in the process of a chain, meaning you’re relying on those who are in the property you want to buy, to move out in a timely manner. Sometimes, that doesn’t happen. If that’s the case, then having a self storage unit available in Edinburgh is handy.

At least if anything were to go wrong, then you’ll have storage space available to keep all of your belongings in there temporarily. Even if you don’t intend to use it or end up using it at all, it’s a good emergency option to have in place.

Downsizing for retirement

Retirement comes to us all – if we’re lucky to live a long and healthy life. With that comes the opportunity to downsize. Chances are, if you’ve had children, then you’re living in a house that you don’t need anymore. It’s likely too big and therefore, you need a smaller property to cater to yourself and your partner if you have one.

Downsizing comes with a big challenge, which is getting rid of all the stuff you no longer need. At the same time, you might want to keep things but don’t have the space available in a smaller property, to keep them in.

Therefore, it’s a good option to have a self storage unit in which you can keep your belongings safe. Decluttering is likely always going to happen when you move, but even more so when moving to a smaller house. 

Change in family dynamics

There are often times when moving comes relatively out of the blue, or in some cases, it might be planned. For example, if parents get divorced then this would likely result in one or both individuals moving out of the home. Some families might get split up in the process, which means a move is necessary.

The reason for a move might be down to children moving out to travel or perhaps to seek further education. While they might return, you may also want to take this as an opportunity to sell up and move from the property to somewhere new.

Having a local storage unit available for these life transitions is important and can be handy, whatever the reason may be that you’re moving.

The benefits of self-storage

Why choose self storage? What are some of the benefits that come from using self storage units in general? Whether you’re moving soon or you’re looking to keep some of your belongings safe, here are some benefits to investing in one.

It’s great for decluttering

As someone who might own a lot of belongings, a self storage unit can be a great opportunity to tackle everything in your home with an iron fist. It can help to use it as an excuse to go through all of the belongings you have and to be ruthless with what you choose to get rid of. 

If you’re moving house to downsize, then decluttering is often a great way of making sure you’re not bringing anything you don’t really need. 

Flexible and convenient 

Self storage units are flexible and convenient to help with the move of a property. It’s a flexible option due to not needing much in the way of planning in advance. Most self storage units are easily available and many don’t require much in the way of a notice period.

Local storage units are convenient because they’re often not too far away from the property you live in or perhaps are moving to. Some storage unit providers have multiple sites around the area and sometimes nationally or internationally. 

Great for security

If you’re looking to protect your belongings, then self storage units are great to have. In most cases, self storage units are even more effective at securing your belongings than your own home would be.

Self storage units come with gated access, around-the-clock surveillance with on-site staff and CCTV. All provided within the price, it’s something that can put your mind at ease, knowing that your belongings are in a safe place.

It’s worth looking at what self storage units are available in your local area and what security measures have been put in place to protect what you’re leaving in the care of others.


A great benefit to self storage units is how cost-effective they are. Instead of delaying the process of moving or using an expensive removal company to hold onto your belongings for a few days or weeks, a self storage unit is well worth having.

If you’re looking to save money, then you’ll want to invest in a self storage unit for your move. Whether it’s a personal storage unit or a business one, these are a great option to cut costs. 

If you’re looking for self storage during these life transitions, it’s useful to spend the money on a storage unit. Take a look at the storage units we have available and book one today with ease.