Most people are familiar with self storage when it comes to furniture and personal storage, but did you know it can also be an incredible tool for running a small business? As a business owner, you juggle a lot of things at once, from cash flow, human resources, taxes, productivity, inventory and more, and self storage can help you manage this.

Adelaide businesses will find that using a local self storage facility can smooth over some of these concerns. Here are a few of the potential benefits of using self storage in your small business, as well as some specific ways to get the most out of it.

The Benefits of Using Self Storage

Self storage can be a practical solution to a lot of small and large concerns and irritations that might surround your business. It can be a temporary or permanent storage option, depending on the needs of your business. You can also choose different sizes and types of storage, so you get the most for your money.

Speaking of which, self storage can be a much more cost-effective and convenient way to store equipment, inventory, documents, and anything else your small business needs to function its best. Self storage is best for small-scale storage needs, as most other business storage options, like warehouses, are surplus to requirements.

Not only this, but self storage facilities are safe, secure, and designed to keep your belongings in perfect condition. 

Managing Inventory

One of the biggest difficulties of running a small business is scaling. This is especially true if you’re trying to grow your business. If you run a manufacturing business or a business that sells any kind of product, inventory management and storage immediately become a concern. As mentioned above, warehouses are an option, but they’re mostly far too big to be practical. However, storing inventory in-house might also be impractical because you don’t have enough room. Self storage is therefore one of the best solutions. You can store inventory in a secure, temperature-controlled environment for as long as you need to. As well as being safe, it’s also convenient storage.

Adelaide residents and businesses can find self storage facilities nearby, which cuts down on transportation time and costs.

Self storage can also be useful when you have a logistics and transportation chain and need an intermediate location to store some things. This way, you can keep a small stockpile of products and materials and ensure that the production and distribution lines of your business don’t get backed up. In doing so, your business can be more efficient and profitable, helping you to further grow your business.

Storing Documents

Documents are a necessary evil when it comes to running a business of any size. While a lot of information and data are stored online, many businesses still have some paper documentation. One of the biggest downsides of paper documents has always been the space it takes up. This is especially true when you consider different copies and edits.

Self storage is a potential solution to this problem, especially when it comes to important documents that aren’t needed every day. A small storage container to keep all these documents safe and ready to access when you need them, but out of the way of everything else. You can also store electronic devices, including storage banks that might contain more documents.

Free Up Office Space

Commercial space is at a premium, especially for small businesses based in Adelaide itself. This means that you might not have as much office or retail space as you’d like, at least until you can afford to expand your business. 

A storage facility can give you more breathing room and make the office space more comfortable. It’s a great way to temporarily store equipment and furniture. If you manage to get a storage space near to your office space, you can even use it to store equipment you use more often, so it can act like an extension of your office space.

This way, your workers and customers can move more freely. There’s nothing as off-putting as a cluttered office or retail space, and it can seem unprofessional. In some cases, clutter can even pose a health and safety risk, opening you up to even more issues.

Moving or Renovating Your Commercial Space

Self storage is also especially useful if you are moving offices or renovating your current office and changing the furniture or design. You can use the storage facility to keep furniture you intend to sell later on, so there’s less waste when compared to simply throwing it out. If you’re expanding or moving operations, you can use this space to store everything and get it out of the way of your office until it’s needed.

Finding the Right Storage Solution

Of course, while self storage can be a lifesaver, it’s best to find the right storage solution and facility for your needs. 

First, you need local and convenient storage. Adelaide facilities can be found in and around the city, and Self Storage Australia has several centres that are convenient for residents and businesses alike. This way, you aren’t having to trek miles to access your belongings. These facilities also have extended access hours, so you can store and retrieve your items as and when you need them.

You also want to find a facility that can cater to your needs. For example, our storage centres have top-of-the-line security. So, if you’re storing sensitive documents, expensive equipment, or products and inventory, you want to make sure that it’s as safe as possible. A storage facility with cameras and other security measures is the only option.

You also want access to other modern conveniences, such as box shops and courtesy trailers and trucks to help you move and store your belongings. 

As a business owner, you want to find the best possible service for an affordable price. This way, you don’t cut into your profits while still keeping your items as safe as possible. It pays to find the best option for your business.