Properly storing your electronics is a must if you want to avoid damage while also maintaining long-term functionality. It doesn’t matter whether you need electronic storage because of a move to a new place, you’re decluttering the electronics you’ve got or you need long-term storage, understanding the do’s and don’ts and best practices will help you to know how to get it right. Here are the do’s and don’ts of storing electroniccs:

The Do’s of Storing Electronics

  1. Use original packaging. If you want to keep your electronics from being damaged, storing them in their original packaging is a good plan. Their original packaging is designed to protect the device as originally intended. This can protect the device during transit as well as while it’s sitting in storage.
  2. Label the cables. If your electronics come with any cables or accessories, label them properly and you’ll save both time and hassle when reconnecting them in a new location. Cable ties can help with organisation.
  3. Clean the electronics before you store them. Don’t store electronics with debris from food or muck on them! Dust and grime will degrade them over time, so use a soft cloth to wipe down the surfaces and ensure all of the parts are clean.
  4. Back up any data. Storing laptops or computers? Back up the data they have on them and give yourself that extra layer of protection. You don’t have to do this, but it’s just something that makes good sense if you want to look after your information.
  5. Choose climate-controlled storage units. Choosing self storage is great, but make sure that you pick a climate-controlled unit. This will help with sensitive electronics as these units maintain their temperatures and humidity levels, which prevents any further damage. For reliable climate-controlled storage solutions, consider Self Storage Australia, especially their Holden Hill location.
  6. Remove batteries. Try not to store batteries if you can avoid it. Batteries can and will leak over time, and that will cause damage to the electronics that lasts.
wall organiser with electronics hanging off of it

Photo by FOX on Pexels

The Don’ts of Storing Electronics

  1. Avoid storing electronics in damp environments. Avoiding damp areas is a must and if you store in basements, attics, or garages, expect there to be damp damage. Moisture and temperature swings can be avoided.
  2. Don’t pile up items. Try not to store boxes and things on top of your electronics, especially if you don’t want anything getting crushed.
  3. Leave devices unplugged. You want to avoid a fire hazard and devices and electronics that are plugged in are exactly that.
  4. Avoid using newspapers. It’s always been a thing to use newspaper to wrap electronics, but it can transfer ink to your electronics and does not provide the right protection. It protects against static, so you should stick to bubble wrap!
  5. Don’t leave out securing your data. Even if you have backed up the data, ensure that any sensitive information has been double-checked by encrypting any hard drives and password-protecting files.
  6. Don’t ignore instructions set by the manufacturer. Refer to the guidelines about storing electronics properly. They will have everything you need to ensure that you meet unique requirements for better, safer storage.
  7. Don’t leave your electronics on the floor. It’s easier to store items at a height to avoid damage, so use pallets, shelving, and units to keep electronics elevated.
  8. Avoid storage near magnetic items. Keeping electronics away from items with magnetic fields like speakers or power tools prevents damage occurring.
  9. Don’t forget to pay for insurance. It’s better to pay for added insurance on your items in storage especially if those items are valuable. Providing peace of mind against damage and theft will be a great way to ensure that you store your things correctly.

Short-Term Electronics Storage Tips

For short-term storage, such as during a move or renovation:

  • Make sure that you can still get to your devices by placing any electronics at the front of your storage unit.
  • Label everything clearly so that you can identify the contents of any boxes easily.
  • Store the cables somewhere they’re easy to reach and you’ll be able to quickly reconnect your items when you want to.

Long-Term Electronics Storage Tips

For long-term storage, such as during extended travel or long-term decluttering:

  • Check up on your storage unit. You can call them to ensure the environment is the right one, that there is no mold or moisture, and that your items remain undamaged.
  • Recharge all of your stored batteries. Every few months, you should recharge and store your batteries correctly. This will ensure their function.
  • Update any firmware before you store electronic equipment. This will avoid connectivity issues in the future.

By following these dos and don’ts, you can ensure your electronics remain in good condition, whether they are stored for a short period or over the long term. Proper storage practices are essential for maintaining the functionality and longevity of your devices, giving you peace of mind and saving you from unexpected costs. For top-notch storage solutions, check out Self Storage Australia and their Holden Hill location to keep your electronics safe and sound.